Thursday, January 12, 2023

mach 10 aircraft

Mach 10 Aircraft - It's called a scramjet, and the engine is so fast that it can fly from San Francisco to Washington, DC in about 20 minutes or less. It can launch satellites into space very fast. It can fire a cruise missile at an enemy target as fast as a rifle.

Next week, NASA plans to fly a rocket-powered X-43A scramjet over the Pacific Ocean at nearly Mach 10 at 110,000 feet, breaking the aircraft speed record for the second time in 7 1/2 months. , 200 miles per hour / or 10 times the speed of sound.

Mach 10 Aircraft

Mach 10 Aircraft

The flight can be completed in 10 seconds and ends when the drone hits a watery grave about 850 miles off the coast of California. But while the X-43A didn't set any records, the 40-year dream of "hypersonic" flight — reaching speeds in excess of Mach 5 (3,800 mph) using air-breathing engines — has already been realized. - became a reality.

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Unlike rockets, which must carry oxygen as "fuel" to burn their fuel supply, scramjets draw oxygen from the atmosphere, offering significant savings in aircraft weight, and researchers around the world are eager to take advantage. .

A scramjet team in northeastern Australia funded by the US and Australian armed forces will attempt a Mach 10 next year, the first step in using scramjets to launch satellites into space. The US Air Force hopes to demonstrate a cruise missile fast enough to deliver explosives to solid targets within five years. Other projects are being developed in France and Japan.

Under NASA's $250 million Hyper-X program, engineers at the Langley Research Center here and the Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, Calif., designed and built three aluminum rockets, each 12 feet long and weighing about 2,800 pounds. Controllers canceled the first test flight in 2001 when a rocket booster malfunctioned.

But it later reached Mach 6.83 (5,200 mph) on March 24, setting the previous world speed record for an air-breathing, non-rocket-powered aircraft. The highest speed ever achieved by a manned aircraft was the SR-71, an American domestic airplane known as the Blackbird, which was capable of exceeding Mach 3 (2,300 mph).

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"The goal was to demonstrate these technologies," said Luat T. Nguyen, deputy program manager, who designed the X-43A. "We did it. It's the first scramjet that works and the only one at the moment."

Next week's third flight will test the X-43A's limits. Temperatures will be significantly higher: the leading edge of the plane's nose will reach 3,700 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the March flight.

It also "makes it harder to operate at Mach 10 than at Mach 7," Nguyen said. You want the performance level we're looking for to be pretty tight, and the limits at Mach 10 are a little tight. "

Mach 10 Aircraft

Regardless of the outcome, the third flight will be the last. The Hyper-X program is ending and there are no plans to replace it. The next steps depend largely on researchers elsewhere.

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"They set the stage for how to go from here," said Alan Powell of the University of Queensland in Australia, leader of the US-Australia High Shot Scrumjet project. "We live in a high-tech society shaped by time. After 200 years of horse and cart, we've moved to Scrum."

Barring mechanical failure or bad weather, the X-43A and Pegasus rocket launchers will take off from Dryden between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Pacific Ocean was under the belly of a B-52B fighter jet.

About 50 miles off the coast of California, the B-52 lands the ship at 40,000 feet. The booster rocket will fire and accelerate the X-43A to near Mach 10 at an altitude of 110,000 feet. The controller then fires two small pistons to launch the rocket. They would then open to cover the X-43A's air intake and fire the engine.

Scramjets work in the same way as all jet engines - fuel is created by compressing air and forcing it into rising gases backward to propel the aircraft forward. Conventional turbojets use fans to compress air and can reach speeds of around Mach 2.2 (1,600 mph).

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Ramjets can reach speeds of Mach 6 (4,600 mph) by using the aircraft's forward motion to force air into the combustion chamber. But it has to slow down to subsonic speed to burn.

Scrumjets (short for "unusual combustion ramjets"), ramjets that burn fuel in the air as they travel at high speeds, compare NASA to "lighting a match in a hurricane." To do this, almost all airplanes are built with a large cavity that opens to let air in and pressurize it before injecting a chemical called silane, which burns in the presence of air. Hydrogen fuel is added after ignition.

Neither a ramjet nor a scramjet stands upright. The Blackbird used a turbojet to reach high enough speeds to drive the ramjet. The X-43A uses a rocket, and Nguyen Langley said engineers expect the X-43A to reach a top speed of Mach 9.6 or Mach 9.7 before it burns all of its liquid hydrogen fuel and breaks into the ocean. go

Mach 10 Aircraft

The X-43A embodies the data set as well as the practical thinking that aeronautical engineers have put into practice over more than four decades, through good and bad funding years.

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"They put together ground tests, wind tunnel tests and well-thought-out flight tests," said Charlie Burke, program manager at the Air Force Test Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. "To see the integration of this [ground and flight] data that was coming together was amazing. It provided the foundation."

The Air Force's cruise missile program, known as HyTech, uses a hydrocarbon fuel that burns more brightly than liquid hydrogen. "The Scream Jet can travel hundreds of miles in minutes to meet critical moments," said Bob Mercier, deputy director of technology at the Air Force Laboratory's Aerospace Propulsion Division. "Furthermore, the acceleration can improve penetration of hard and deeply embedded targets."

Powell, of Australia, said in a phone interview that HiShot hopes to use the Scramjet to launch cheap satellites, adding three stages as a second-stage vehicle. The rocket will accelerate the spacecraft and the third rocket stage will propel it forward after exiting the Earth's atmosphere.

"It would take 25,000 miles per hour to escape Earth's gravity and go into orbit," he said. "Can we do this?" I don't know the answer. If it doesn't work, we'll just say, "The best a rocket can do, buddy," and pack it in.

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